Saturday, May 24, 2008


If money grew on trees..... Yes I would be very rich. The trees are green! I was in town for two days, as I too do need some money. After work, my best friend Sue Herbrick came out with her son. We all noticed the waves of Green on the way here. The Yukon is truly incredible the way that one day it is bare, and the next day..... (No comparison though to my financial state).
Sue and I had a walk in the wilds. And after that our sons showed us videos (digital camera) that her son just shot. Again, ( I was supposed to look at the focus of their attention) I couldn't believe the green in the background.
As you know I love it when a friend walks with me. The focus is not so much on Nature really, while walking, we're talking, which is worth more then any amount of money can buy. We walk to 'moose skull lake' and back. And to me talking like that is very satisfactory. I get fresh air , my body is active, in an environment that is totally harmonious, and the bond of friendship is deepened. In between our conversations we do notice Mother Nature, and mention it in between our sentences. In the lake Sue counts 25 ducks. And I see that the little shrimp are there. I take note , that I don't know much yet about these creatures that apparently appear, also in great abundance, few days after the ice is out.

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