Saturday, July 26, 2008

good morning sunshine!

The Swallows (Tree or Violet-green) are having a second set of young in the nest box under the eaves.
The Peewees are doing very well.
The roses are still spreading their scent.
Life is good.
In the morning sun out front, we will have pancakes with freshly picked wild, raspberries and gooseberries.

I picked the raspberries actually Thursday morning on my way into town. Yesterday evening I saw a Black Bear coming out of the patch. Thursday I also stopped at the Takhini Salt Flats; to check the Gentian . I think it indeed is a Gentianopsis detonsa ssp yukonensis.The Salt Flats where beautiful, so peaceful , no wind and lots of families of water birds. Two of them being Surf Scooters, exciting.

In the evening I went to the Farmers market in Whitehorse and tasted; spruce tip and soap berry jelly, very delightful. Made by a family on Fox lake. I'll find out their name.


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