Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mendenhall Landing

Mendenhall Landing

It is a beautiful peaceful frosty morning here.
I have to admit that when I got of the plane, Thursday morning, things looked pretty drab.
I could write a book comparing the two worlds. 't westland and the Yukon.
Of course I do love the latter most, but in the near future I might write a post about the beauty
in Nature I have experienced in Holland.

I also have to admit, that I had no urge to go outside, and resume my 'job' as Keeper of Wild Places. Lucky for me
Don was eager to be outside with me and took me on a little road trip. First stop the Mendenhall Landing,
to check for Shaggy Mane (wild Mushrooms). Sure enough, we found some.
I have to make one comparison here; All is so Calm, even when the wind is blowing. I think it has something to do with
the fact that there are no obstructions here.

From there we drive to the first Takhini Campground. Don does some fishing and I walk along the Takhini River,
South. I am delighted to find some sort of path, first along the road, then dropping down to wards the River.
Where one can't walk on the river's edge, there is a little path in the Blueberry bushes. The Bushes still Red, where as the trees
have dropped most of there leaves. Which actually swirl around in the river.
I come to an island, which I can still reach through two inches of water. No more Path, but here and there Human footprints in the
sandy mud. Again I am touched by the peacefulness of it All.

I walk back to Don, who has caught no fish. I sit at the river bank scanning the mountains, and find a flock of Sheep on
'gemini mountain'. We talk to the only people in the campground. Next week they leave with Condor for Frankfurt.
The day before I was sitting in Frankfurt's Airport. I am aware of the way we look. and wonder if these people can picture me in
Frankfurt, where (to me) most men where black suits. Don and I are dressed in clothes, well... we probably would be picked up and be thrown out of the Airport. I love it!

Next stop; the Cranberry patch. The leaves are very dark now, and the Berries almost black and hard to see. We pick a bit and
continue on our way home. We drive in a little bush road, which is muddy at first, going through a mossy spruce forest,
The road gets dryer towards the river, and follows the river bank. We realize it must make a loop towards the Kusawa road and so we continue
Indeed it does, coming out by an old gravel pit, where there are many trails in all direction. To come in from this side we would have
to stay on the right side of the pit (South) . Follow it towards the River (west) and so on following the main track in order to do the loop.

Thank you Don, for taking me out. I am ready to explore more and enjoy!

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