Thursday, November 13, 2008

Takhini river

The moon. As i am sitting outside in the dark (uhum, on the outhouse), suddenly i see lights in the forest, lighting up the snow. It gets brighter and brighter, the moon is up!

Yesterday i went to town;
Things here had cleared up since the fog, now i find myself descending back into the fog. Before the Takhini river crossing i drove into it. Right where i want to go for a walk.
I park my car on the east side of the bridge (Alaska Highway). I actually never really went for a walk here, and look at the river where it will be best to walk.
I choose the East bank , walking down stream, North.
The Sounds! Ice floes are flowing down the river, crashing into the frozen shore line ice and frozen islands. What an interesting sound... you gotta listen!
The sight is even more surreal. In the mist. The river is dark green, the ice floes look like sores on skin. Some are brown, some the color of the river, they all have white frizzled edges, and white spots on them.
Today nobody is winning, the river neither melting nor freezing over.
I walk the shoreline for one bend (an hour) On my way back I climb the highest bank, and see that i am not far from where i started, and go back in a straight line.
It has cleared up a bit. Things are very interesting today. There is no wind and it feels warm. Here on the bank i have a feeling, that if you would tell me ; this is a warm, plus 20 degree C, place, a forest covered in white... fluff, i would believe it.
What is that? Have any of you snow lovers ever had that feeling?

Ah what a day, when i come to the city, there is no power, wonderful, quite peaceful, people talking in the streets.
The river just keeps on flowing. Different then the Takhinni, the Yukon river here is a solid blue line meandering through the wide, white frozen river. Beautiful!

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