Sunday, February 15, 2009

digging out

Today Faith asked; how many scars do you feel in the woods today? (check out her blog Stones of Forgiveness. I love her poetry, i think we have some scars in common.)

Today my neck of the woods only revealed a stark beauty.

I knew that wasn't true.

Towards the end of the day,
Alexander even drove the car in the ditch,
and we had to do quite a bit of digging.

These are minor things
and don't leave scars
They bring us all together
strangers showing generousity

Some times the wood is telling me
All is Good
very good.

1 comment:

L. said...

Thank you, Jozien.:)

I think as far apart as we are, we do share maybe not just scars, but joys. Your photos are beautiful as always.

I once drove our car into a muddy brother was teaching me to drive...we were almost home and off I went -- My father watching. My father was the type of man to never have a feather ruffled. He walked up the dirt road and with careful determination drove the car back onto the road. He knew he had to, or I would have never wanted to drive again. Needless to say, my brother was fuming the whole time with a lot of "look what you've done nows" He tends to be a little hot headed :) Thanks for bringing that memory back to me:)

And ah yes, the woods do tell us these things...even here away from such grand wilderness.